Weekend in SP

Ricardo Hantzschel

Photographer Ricardo Hantzschel opens the exhibition “Cidade Múltipla” this Saturday (29) at Caixa Cultural. The photography exhibition portrays urban architectural references from São Paulo, through the point of view of 5 different pinhole cameras. Since pinhole cameras have no lens, no aperture, and no shutter, the results truly resemble the chaotic and dynamic routine of São Paulo.

Caixa Cultural São Paulo
Galeria Octogonal
Praça da Sé, 111
Tuesdays - Sundays, das 9h as 21h
Free Entrance

Corpos, a Exposição
Oca do Ibirapuera is now hosting the “Corpos, a exposição” – an exhibition of the human anatomy where 20 full bodies and over 250 organs are displayed for the visitors. The bodies were conserved for scientific studies, showing in great detail the human anatomy from skin to bone. Definitely recommended for anatomy students!

Monday - Friday, from 10AM to 8PM;
Saturday and Sunday from 9AM to 8PM
Oca do Ibirapuera
Av. Pedro Álvares Cabral, s/nº – Parque Ibirapuera
(11) 3079-1065 - Tickets for R$40

May 31, 2010

The public seems to have mixed feelings on Facebook lately. There are now myriad privacy settings -- choose the wrong ones and you could end up making your statuses or pictures public.
So what to do if you're fed up? Quit Facebook, of course. At least that's the suggestion of a website called QuitFacebookDay.com. It is urging people fed up with the social networking site to sign their name to a list of folks pledging to quit on May 31, 2010. (I won’t.)


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