Boa Viagem

To start off the last full day of the Grade 12 trip, most of us enjoyed the blazing sun by visiting beautiful Boa Viagem beach. While at the beach seniors could be seen walking on the sand, tanning, or splashing around in the ocean which seemed to perplex the local population when they would walk past us and exclaim "Oxe! Olha quanta gente pálida! Meu deus dê um bronzeador para eles!" Later, we tasted more delicious traditional food, especially the addictive dessert called cartola, and explored our creative sides by painting our own Papangu masks. To finish off the last night, we ate churrasco and danced forró around a warm fire. It was great to see all of the seniors laughing and dancing, especially when all of us got together to dance the quadrilha.


Anonymous | September 23, 2012 at 9:52 PM

I am very happy I had the chance of sharing with you a bit of the culture that comes from my state. I hope you all have enjoyed it as much as I did.
Two very special moments for me were to see you dancing with the Maracatu in the streets of Olinda and taking part in a "Quadrilha" dance we improvised...You guys are great.
Thanks for being a great company.

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