Who Would You Vote For?

After watching the often intense debates between Romney and Obama, analyzing their speeches, and discussing the validity of their platforms, the Talon staff wants to know who would be the next US President if Graded School were the electorate. The voting poll is located in our right-side column. Of course, as in the US, you will only be able to vote once, and your vote is anonymous. The poll will be open until November 5.


Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 10:51 PM

Let's see if the liberal bias will be fully displayed within the school. 4 years of failed economic policies cannot continue in the US. The Obama campaign has focused solely on attacking Romney, while forgetting to present an agenda for the future. It's very noticeable why Obama does not go back on his record, I wouldn't either. Blaming Bush as an escape goat is very typical of the libs, that's exactly why Obama has not undone any of Bush's policies... I wonder why. Enough of the socialist-like regime, food stamps + welfare checks, tax increases in a depressed economy, killing jobs and small businesses. Obama is a great orator like Castro or Chavez, he is a case of style over substance. Free enterprise, which built the United States, must live on.

Romney/Ryan 2012

Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 11:09 PM

Yes, because Romney's pro life stance is sooooo alluring....

Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 11:19 PM

So many fallacies in the first comment, so little time...

Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 11:25 PM

It's easy to criticize, but why can't we try to maybe, and this is just an idea guys, but why don't we try to actually discuss their actual policies without attacking anyone? after all, not because Obama isn't perfect does it mean that Romney is, or vice-versa. Each person has the right to think what they do, and preach whatever they want to, but be very careful with your accusations. Also, let's thank god for anonymity, right?

Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 11:28 PM

regardless of whoever wins this poll let's all remember one thing: it's an internet poll. for our high school. no need to get rowdy :)

Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 11:41 PM

I am the first commenter, to clear it up, I don't believe in wealth redistribution, big government, tax increases in a depressed economy, instead of increasing taxes you have to broaden the tax base. What Romney actually meant in his "47%" comment is that 47% of the US does not pay federal income taxes. Now you tell me, what makes more sense, 1. shrink your middle class by increasing taxes on it to create lower-income class government dependency or 2. broaden the tax base so that everyone pays taxes and government dependency is no longer created? Free individuals, not the government, create jobs. Now, I don't think the top 5% of incomes should pay as much taxes as everyone else, I'm not an extremist, I believe the 5% should have higher income taxes, but the government trying to spend unnecessarily does not work. Dems like to point out to the GM auto bailout as why government should be intervening, I'd just want to bring another perspective into this.

"While its stimulus will increase industrial jobs, its auto bailout will lead to the elimination of production jobs, and close 14 factories and more than 1,000 dealerships. Despite these cuts, the auto makers and parts manufacturers say they still need about $48 billion more from the government."

Anonymous | October 24, 2012 at 11:44 PM

And as far as social policy, I'm sick of telling people: It doesn't matter what the Republican candidates believe in. Abortion was legal back when Bush was President and it will be legal regardless if Romney wins.

I just can't see how someone would vote on a president based on their social policies (which won't be changed)...

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:00 AM

First of all, I appreciate your knowledge on the topic, however, social policies do not just include abortion. The whole deal against Romney with social issues is far beyond abortion but the way he speaks and treats minorities, such as women. I do not have profound knowledge on either Obama or Romney policies, since I don't even vote in the U.S. but I do know that if I want to live there, I, as an international student, and a foreigner to americans, should care for what Romney is thinking about these minorities such as myself (not even to mention that I AM a woman, who feels personally attacked and offended by the candidate). I think that if in your mind Romney is better than Obama, great. It's your opinion and I applaud you for standing up to it, against the flow. However, you really should rethink the accusations you make... that's all I have to say. By saying things such as "what makes more sense" and "I just can't see how someone would vote on a president based on their social policies" you are judging those who don't agree with you. And it's fine if you don't agree with everyone, that's actually GREAT. However, that is your perspective, my friend. If you were to ask me I don't see how a person would vote on a president that is clearly unstable in regards to his own views and is against everything I believe in. But, that's what I think. It's what makes sense to me, and I can't expect it to make sense to you, or anyone else except for me. So what I ask of you is just to be careful. Because you can come off too strong, for no apparent reason. And, with a delicate topic like this, you really don't want to flare up people's emotions because it's already complicated enough as it is. Besides, by attacking what Obama is doing you don't support Romney, you just want change - meaning, if you want people to really value Romney, bring about things that HE DOES RIGHT, things that he hopes to do, instead of saying how much better it would be than Obama. But then again, you have your pro-Romney reasons and I have my pro-Obama ones. Let's agree to disagree.

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:08 AM

This is a political discussion, respect should be expected but when I present my arguments I will show them in a convincing fashion, simply because I want to position myself in this and (yes) perhaps even convince other people of my view, without forcing it upon them. So before you accuse me of "judging" other people unnecessarily I think you should consider the nature of this discussion and the very opposite ends at which political ideology lies in. Now, I respect you viewing social policy as such an important issue, but I think you weren't reading into what I wrote. A political discussion involving such opposite ends of the political spectrum will have its controversies. Consider that before accusing me, or anyone else for that matter, of trying to impose their political opinion.

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:28 AM

Dude. Go do your homework. And when I say homework, I literally mean go do your homework that your Graded teachers assigned. Or go to sleep. This was old after the first debate, if you're not going to be respectful and less aggressive then give it a rest. We'll all be happy to hear your arguments then.

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:33 AM

I seriously do not understand where your hostility is coming from. Read my last comment.

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:36 AM

Sigh, you obviously did not read my last comment otherwise you would be asleep. Oh well

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:37 AM


Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:38 AM

I never accused you of trying to impose your political opinion. I just told you to be careful with the way you say things you say. Like I said, the way you say things may come off too strong and that can cause problems as the discussing progresses on. This is the clear example. Now, I will say it again, let's agre to disagree, man.

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:40 AM

This is ridiculous. I don't understand how anyone would get so hostile over a simple comment. If it did truly offend you, then my apologies.... Dang, Is it that bad?

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:49 AM

It's not bad at all, but people can get offended (as is with everything). I would just say, ease up a little and start by saying why Romney is good next time you talk about it, instead of the anti-Obama speech.. approach the subject lightly and then maybe, hopefully, people can get past the emotional barriers. Other than that, keep on being a great example to stand up for what you believe in and be informed about worldly issues :)

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:57 AM

You so nice *u*

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 1:03 AM

Alright, cool if that's what you wanted to say, although initially you sounded very hostile, so yeah I got your message and I hope everything's cleared up, but I didn't understand what message you were trying to send at first.

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 1:25 AM

There are more than two people commenting here soo...

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 9:13 AM

And there are more than two people running for President too!

Anonymous | October 25, 2012 at 12:20 PM
This comment has been removed by the author.

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