Perception and Reality

Gil Zamora, an official FBI forensic artist, brings different individuals to his studio and asks them to describe themselves. He does not look at them once. After he is done with the drawing, which was completely based on the subject's self-description, other people come and describe the person who left. The second drawing is strikingly different from the first one. This video produced by the brand Dove reveals the shocking discrepancy between self-perceived appearance and actual appearance.


Anonymous | April 19, 2013 at 3:48 PM

Paty, thanks for sharing. I ran across this blog post on the Dove piece that points out some of the disturbing issues. I hope that Graded community members will take a moment to listen to this viewpoint. Below are a few of the comments from the post.

"Out of 6:36 minutes of footage, people of color are onscreen for less than 10 seconds."
Because the message that we constantly receive is that girls are not valuable without beauty.

"Brave, strong, smart? Not enough. You have to be beautiful. And “beautiful” means something very specific, and very physical."

"Dove ad is that it’s not really challenging the message like it makes us feel like it is. It doesn’t really tell us that the definition of beauty is broader than we have been trained to think it is, and it doesn’t really tell us that fitting inside that definition isn’t the most important thing. It doesn’t really push back against the constant objectification of women. All it’s really saying is that you’re actually not quite as far off from the narrow definition as you might think that you are (if you look like the featured women, I guess)."

And there is more...

Paty | April 19, 2013 at 7:48 PM

I completely agree. There are various issues that are not mentioned in this video when it comes to the representation of women in media and how those types of representations affect the audience in general. There certainly is an emphasis on physical appearances; that makes me ask myself if this video is adding to the importance of external, physical beauty.

Thank you for sharing your insights--they really made me think about the purpose and true message of this ad!

Anonymous | April 19, 2013 at 10:56 PM

Here is the link to the blog post.

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