Poll Results Examined
Poll #1 16/05/10:
Our poll shows that most people believe in aliens, and so do I! I believe in aliens simply because the size of our planet is insignificant in comparison to the whole universe. Astronomers say there are 10 times more stars in the visible Universe than all the grains of sand on the world's beaches and deserts. If you haven’t already, you will believe in aliens after watching this video: It shows the universe we know so far. And this is only what technology has allowed us to see. click here to watch the video

Poll #3 31/05/10: This poll was a close and interesting one. Looks like Graded is one point away from being okay with it's appearance. All in all, these results do seem quite healthy to me. I was expecting much worse results.
I agree, Leo! I found a funny quote by Ellen Degeneres on the subject: "The only thing that scares me more than space aliens is the idea that there aren't any space aliens. We can't be the best that creation has to offer. I pray we're not all there is. If so, we're in big trouble."
Beautiful video by the way.
Lu e Leo,
Concordo com o resultado da pesquisa. Acho que seria muito egoísta se acreditassemos que somos os únicos seres vivos no universo inteiro. Não sei se os "aliens" são seres superiores ou inferiroes aos humanos, isso realmente não importa, só acredito que devemos respeitar sua existência de qualquer maneira e parar de acreditar que somos o centro de tudo.
I like the idea of having polls very much! It is very interesting. :D
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