World picture of the day

picture by The Associated Press
New Yorkers and tourists play beach volleyball and relax on an artificial beach right in the middle of Times Square. It was a marketing promotion staged by Corona Beer to introduce their summer campaign, using a total of 30 tons of sand, fake palm trees and beach tents to set the whole atmosphere.


jab | May 20, 2010 at 8:55 PM

Who's the photographer?

leo porto | May 20, 2010 at 9:06 PM

this picture was released by the Associated Press, but there wasn't a specific photographer cited.

Unknown | May 21, 2010 at 10:04 PM

I really enjoyed this post since it illustrates the scale of marketing promotion and how there are no limits in relationship to its magnitude and its interaction with the consumers..Its crazy just to think of the amount of effort people put to create "a beach" environment in the middle of times square.. Also, it demonstrates how nowadays creativity has no boundaries and almost everything is possible.

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